Friday 19 December 2008

Thursday 18 December 2008

Previous Thrillers for Comaprison

In todays lesson, we watched previous thriller clips by fellow A level students. Some were recommended by OCR examining board.
We were asked to spot camerawork, lighting, non- diegetic sound and diegetic sound, editing and mise-en-scene.

Meant to be posted on Monday 15th December

In Mondays lesson, Rebecca showed us clips of famouse Thrillers. This was used to inspire us on how suspense is used within these thrillers.
We were shown The Shinning a film based on a novel by Stephen King and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Arlington Street, 28 Days Later and Collateral.

Each extract has a different feel of thrillers.

After viewing the extracts, we were told to notice aspects of camerawork, editing, lighting, sound etc.

For our homework, we were told upload any of the videos watched and make and anaylisis of how the use of suspense is carried out
In Mondays lesson, Rebecca showed us clips of famouse Thrillers. This was used to inspire us on how suspense is used within these thrillers.
We were shown The Shinning a film based on a novel by Stephen King and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Arlington Street, 28 Days Later and Collateral.

Each extract has a different feel of thrillers.

After viewing the extracts, we were told to notice aspects of camerawork, editing, lighting, sound etc.

For our homework, we were told upload any of the videos watched and make and anaylisis of how the use of suspense is carried out

Thursday 11 December 2008

Bourne Identity

In todays lesson, we watched the film The Bourne Identity starring Matt Damon. This film is based on a book. This film is about a man that was found in the middle of the Mediterranean Ocean (Matt Damon). On his discovery, he had a severe case of amnesia, through out the film, the aim is for Matt Damon to discover his real identity.
This film portrays different aspects of action, thriller. It was shown to us students in order to insprire us for our future thrillers

Meant to be posted on Monday 8th December

In this lesson, my group and i finished the last sequence of our thriller. We simply placed added new material to the exsiting material on to our tapes.
After adding these scenes, Akash, Cristina, Ana and I edited the footage that we had filmed and placed it in an order on the computer so it is fluid. We then added music to it, so that it the scenes are more effective.

Bourne Identity (#4)

We begun the lesson watching the film 'The Bourne Identity.' This film was a action/spy thriller about a man who was rescued from the sea by a group of fisherman. When the man was alive he could not remember who he was or where he came from. The film is based around the man looking for his identity. The reason we looked at this film was to mainly observe elements that create suspense that we could recreate in our thriller.

We identified a typical suspense sequence to follow the following:
  • Posing questions to the audience
  • People in jeopardy
  • Unfolding of narrative
  • Complications
  • False resolution
  • Questions answered
  • People no longer in jeopardy

Monday 8 December 2008

Filming and Editing (#3)

Today we had to complete our preliminary task. We continued filming until we had all the shots we needed. We used a lot of hand-held camera movement but also used the tripod several times to give a still effect. During filming, we used the 5 second rule (allow 5 seconds of recording before the action and 5 seconds after) so that we could add transitions when editing. After we had all the footage, we uploaded it to Final Cut Pro and began editing. We put together our final piece and added music. We were told that when we make our thrillers we would also have to create our own soundtracks. I think that the preliminary task was good as it allowed us to see each others strengths and weaknesses and what we should spend more time on when making our thriller.

Preliminary Tutorial on the usage of camera equipment

In Thursdays lesson, we were taught how to use camera equipment and other equipment relating to the use of a camera, i.e. a tripod.
We were instructed how to use a tripod and what height to position it at. As a class, we were then taught how to operate the camera in term of the positioning of the battery in the camera and how to insert the tape etc. After, the main points were presented, we were then told to try it for ourselves. Then we were told the Do's and Don'ts of using a camera.
After the tutorial, Akash, Ana, Cristina and I continued with the filming of our thrillers, based on our story boards. We continued with the production of our short sequence. For the preliminary task, it was compulsory to use a newspaper. Using the newspaper idea, we asked Akash to take a photo of himself and this was going to be placed on the cover of the newspaper , with the caption "murderer on the loose" After the shot was done, we had to transfer the shot onto an original paper. After this we continued filming our short clip.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Preliminary Exercise (#2)

In today's lesson we were firstly given a camera tutorial on the basic features of how to use the camera. This involved how to insert the battery, turn the camera on, attach it to the tripod, focusing, panning, recording and play back as well as health and safety.
After the tutorial we begun our preliminary exercise. We firstly finished off our storyboard before starting the task. In order to make reading a newspaper seem thrilling we thought of ways of adding suspense. A lot of our camera work involved panning and tracking of our subject (who in this case was Akash). We made our own newspaper main story which stated 'Murderer on the loose' and a photo of Akash which we then stuck onto 'The Londoner newspaper.' Throughout the process of filming, we deliberately took shots of Akash's back and body generally not to show his face until the end where the suspense is built and left at a cliffhanger when we find out he is the 'murderer on the loose.'

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Final Cut Pro Tutorial (#1)

December 1st.

In the first part of the lesson, we were given a tutorial on how to use Final Cut Pro. We learnt the basics of editing using elements such as input/output, inserting, transitions and shortcuts to these on the keyboard. From what we had learnt, we then had an exercise to do that involved cutting a series of different shots and putting them into a sequence that made sense to us.
After the tutorial, we were put in the groups that we would be working in for our thrillers and asked to prepare our preliminary task which was to film somebody reading a newspaper in a thrilling and exciting way. To create our story board we began taking digital photos of possible shots we might use to help us create suspense.

Monday 1 December 2008

Induction On Editing - First Post

In todays lesson we were taught how to use Final Cut Pro to edit a sequence and to manipulate the arrangement of the sequence. Considering that i had already experienced using Final Cut Pro, my group and i decided to do the camera shots for opening of our thriller. We were given twelve camera shots and very limited props. To expand and emphasis on the use of props being so limited, the use of facial expression we felt was more affective. In the beginning of the sequence, the first three shots are of Akash entering the room. One of his hands on the handle of the door and then his leg and then more shots of his leg. These shots are purposely used to avoid his face to create suspense, because we do not know who this is. Another shot which then creates more suspense is the shot that is focused on the newspaper heading "88 dead" this is to insinuate that the person entering the room is the peron that has done these homocides.