Monday 8 December 2008

Preliminary Tutorial on the usage of camera equipment

In Thursdays lesson, we were taught how to use camera equipment and other equipment relating to the use of a camera, i.e. a tripod.
We were instructed how to use a tripod and what height to position it at. As a class, we were then taught how to operate the camera in term of the positioning of the battery in the camera and how to insert the tape etc. After, the main points were presented, we were then told to try it for ourselves. Then we were told the Do's and Don'ts of using a camera.
After the tutorial, Akash, Ana, Cristina and I continued with the filming of our thrillers, based on our story boards. We continued with the production of our short sequence. For the preliminary task, it was compulsory to use a newspaper. Using the newspaper idea, we asked Akash to take a photo of himself and this was going to be placed on the cover of the newspaper , with the caption "murderer on the loose" After the shot was done, we had to transfer the shot onto an original paper. After this we continued filming our short clip.

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