Friday 27 March 2009


Thriller Evaluation
In thriller, there are many aspects, which transform the scene into a theme of suspense, by the use of camera work, sound and editing. We as a group used many of these aspects to make our own thriller an effective clip to create suspense. Suspense is a main convention of a thriller opening. Overall, it includes character in a jeopardising situation and posing questions to the audience as well as the narrative opening up as it goes along. As the thriller goes on the false resolution pops up and people are no longer in harm’s way and questions finally get answered in a logical way.
Many clips personally inspired me. The editing and match-cuts in ‘slum dog millionaire’ was to a high standard, so from that I had got inspired and got some ideas. From that movie I talked about some of the ideas to my group from the part when he is answering question on the show. We tried doing the same type of edits when at the coffee shop with the two school girls talking to each other, but without dialogue. , we didn’t really use the director’s techniques but it helped us with that particular scene.
The two girls in our scene are meant to be shown aged 13/15 young school girls. They represent children after school and when walking home. It’s a symbolic message that is conveyed to the target audience who are teen’s aged 13 – 16+. It’s not meant to be vivid and if the target audience don’t recognise it, it’s not the main concern.
The kidnapper in the car in meant to create even more suspense as it works with the camera shots. The shot of looking in the car side mirror. The mise-on-scene is all black. From the car to gloves, the colour of someone trying to be discrete yet, stands out like a thorn to the audience. This helps the audience categorise the characters. (Girls in school uniform and guy dresses in black smart clothing and black car.)
The company that will be distributing our media product will be Momentum Pictures. We had chosen them because they distribute a variety of films and we thought as a group to choose them because this is a British film. And our theme (kidnapping) can relate to British viewers, due to the crime of today in Briton. Our group did research and found out, that company is an alliance company who releases roughly 20 films a year and is one of the leading distributers in the UK. Also if fitted this particular description
The audience of my media production would most likely be not of the mainstream but not of the niche audience either. Somewhere in-between, because it appeals to a lot of people in U.K however it is not good enough to compete in the mainstream and expect it to make money. It would be nice to target it at the mainstream of the youth age but that way is less likely to be a successful, and is leading to a risky path. This is due to the youth are attracted to Hollywood, mainstream, highly budgeted, SFX films instead of the U.K films.

To get people to come see our film and to advertise it i thought to be more specific on the target audience. As we are aiming at the youth it is better as well as cheaper to advertise it online, possibly ‘face book’ or ‘my space’. Which are two of the main attractions to the youth on the net today. However, we would also get people who did the acting to go to individual secondary and colleges to hand out leaflets and information and basically to create awareness of our production. A billboard would be good and more profession but still it is expensive and we are it ending to make a profit out of it than a loss. Also i personally would like to do a little of cross-marketing and have our film advertised on busses and mc Donald’s boxes. This will be direct to the youth and will be a great advantage to out advertisement result.
Before we started doing out thriller, we had gotten a preliminary task in using final pro cut. I learnt how to use it a lot. Also, I do film studies so I am use to the functions already, so when it came to our thriller editing, it was a piece of cake. Even when we needed help, we asked the teachers so there was no problem there. Final cut pro was easy to use too. The transition and cuts were basic for us. In the preliminary task we used many match-cuts were we learnt to use in our thriller so it was a helpful technique to learn. The transitions worked well with the perfect timing of cuts. All this helped create the suspicion and tension. We learned this from a film called ‘Bourne identity’

As a thriller movie the film should grab your attention at the beginning and the opening clip must lead the viewer into the movie as fluently as possible.
On the other hand, the use of internet was great too. Blogging was very simple. We had to write what we did every lesson and when filming and editing. Simple. But from time to time I would forget to blog and that’s when it piles up. It was also simple to upload out clip onto the internet too. Thought to upload it onto YouTube, But other members in my group didn’t agree with it.
My skills developed mainly when it came to the beginning of the thriller and we had to take everything we learned into action. Choosing location to timing and schedule of filming. From camera work and timing. It all came back to me when in the process of filming the thriller. The camera work especially, the angle had to be right and the space above the head had to be just right.
Overall, I was happy how our clip turned out. When we went to the cinema to watch it, we had gotten a lot of positive feedback. The freed back was mainly base on our mise-en-scene, match-cut and the editing overall. If have more time, I would of worked on more filming (more different angles) and the soundtrack could have been worked on too.

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