Saturday 28 February 2009

Complete! (#17)

Yesterday was our deadline and after attending workshops throughout the whole week, we have finally completed our thriller opening.
From Monday we completed the editing which meant with only Thursday's lesson left, we were all committed to attending workshops. At first we split up into pairs with me and Akash doing the opening credits on LiveType and Ana and Laura making the Soundtrack. Luckily they were able to continue on from my 'experimenting' with Sound Track Pro as it actually did work well with our final piece. With the credits, we wanted to keep them quite simple so used a consistent font and effect throughout apart from the 'Cala productions' and the title 'Captive' as these were what we wanted to stand out more. Also with the credits we randomly selected each others names for each category for example although it said Directed by Laura or Edited By Akash and Cristina; we actually all took part in each aspect of the filming, editing, credits, sounds etc. We worked very well as a group and despite being slightly anxious that we were not going to complete it by the deadline, we all put in a great effort and did.

Monday 23 February 2009


Filming and Editing 3 (#16)

Today the group was reunited after the half-term and other commitments before the holidays. This meant that we could finally complete the filming and focus entirely on editing. Luckily the weather was also good so we went out and filmed our remaining shots.
After we came back, we uploaded what we filmed and were quite happy with it. Me and Akash worked on the editing and Laura and Ana worked on the credits using LiveType.
After the lesson, me and Akash stayed back to continue editing and we made a completed piece that we both liked but feel it would be much better when we add the music as it does not seem very thrilling at the moment. We also timed how long it was as it has to be a maximum of 2 minutes. Our thriller opening was 1 minute 48 seconds which means we have extra time for our credits. When the group are next together again (most likely tomorrow in work-shop) we are going to see if anybody would like to change anything and also work on ways of cutting 'unnecessary' filming down as this makes the opening seem boring.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Editing2 (#15)

In the lesson yesterday we came across a bit of a problem. We wanted to focus on editing this week however, we have not fully completed a few last shots with filming due to the weather conditions last week and now Ana and Akash are unable to attend the media lessons this week (including this Thursday's lesson). Because of this we have decided that the week we return to college, we will spend as many lunch times as we can in work-shop.
Me and Laura looked at ways we could improve the editing that we had done on Thursday and made quite a few changes to make it better such as by using transitions and altering the speed of certain shots. After we had done some work on the editing we started to look at different fonts and effects on LiveType that we will use for our opening credits. Before we started making our thriller openings we were told that in the past a lot of people "throw in the credits at the end" without much thought to it. That is why we decided as a group that we don't want to just 'throw in' the credits as we would like to find ways in which it might make the thriller opening even better. After doing a bit of experimenting, we saved a couple of the ones that we might consider using but we would like to wait for the opinion of the rest of our group first.

As I had some spare time after the lesson, I decided to get a bit more practise using SoundTrack Pro so I had a play around with sound effects to see what could work. I will share my thoughts with the rest of my group when we come to making our soundtrack.

Thursday 5 February 2009

editing part 1

We had to stop filming for a little while due to the weather conditions. The area were we normally film, was covered in snow so we decided to give the camera work a rest and begin editing properly. We did edit the very ending well, Due to the good match-cuts and timing when recording. The beginning was tricky to do but managed to cut and paste it together. All was missing now was the middle because the ending and start was perfect. We worked well together when editing. Neither arguments nor complaints. We thought of the music and titles coming up but still was not sure on it.

Editing (#14)

College was closed on Monday due to the adverse weather conditions and today we could not film because the location where we were filming was covered in snow which would be a major problem when it comes to the continuity of the mise-en-scene as we originally filmed in dry conditions. Instead of filming, we began to edit what we had. We looked through each clip individually and renamed them. We edited parts of the thriller opening but not necessarily in order as we still need more footage. We also done quite a few good match-cuts. Overall, we were very happy with the shots we got so far as the framing was good and we avoided the mistakes that we had originally made in the beginning.