Tuesday 10 February 2009

Editing2 (#15)

In the lesson yesterday we came across a bit of a problem. We wanted to focus on editing this week however, we have not fully completed a few last shots with filming due to the weather conditions last week and now Ana and Akash are unable to attend the media lessons this week (including this Thursday's lesson). Because of this we have decided that the week we return to college, we will spend as many lunch times as we can in work-shop.
Me and Laura looked at ways we could improve the editing that we had done on Thursday and made quite a few changes to make it better such as by using transitions and altering the speed of certain shots. After we had done some work on the editing we started to look at different fonts and effects on LiveType that we will use for our opening credits. Before we started making our thriller openings we were told that in the past a lot of people "throw in the credits at the end" without much thought to it. That is why we decided as a group that we don't want to just 'throw in' the credits as we would like to find ways in which it might make the thriller opening even better. After doing a bit of experimenting, we saved a couple of the ones that we might consider using but we would like to wait for the opinion of the rest of our group first.

As I had some spare time after the lesson, I decided to get a bit more practise using SoundTrack Pro so I had a play around with sound effects to see what could work. I will share my thoughts with the rest of my group when we come to making our soundtrack.

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