Monday 23 February 2009

Filming and Editing 3 (#16)

Today the group was reunited after the half-term and other commitments before the holidays. This meant that we could finally complete the filming and focus entirely on editing. Luckily the weather was also good so we went out and filmed our remaining shots.
After we came back, we uploaded what we filmed and were quite happy with it. Me and Akash worked on the editing and Laura and Ana worked on the credits using LiveType.
After the lesson, me and Akash stayed back to continue editing and we made a completed piece that we both liked but feel it would be much better when we add the music as it does not seem very thrilling at the moment. We also timed how long it was as it has to be a maximum of 2 minutes. Our thriller opening was 1 minute 48 seconds which means we have extra time for our credits. When the group are next together again (most likely tomorrow in work-shop) we are going to see if anybody would like to change anything and also work on ways of cutting 'unnecessary' filming down as this makes the opening seem boring.

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