Saturday 28 February 2009

Complete! (#17)

Yesterday was our deadline and after attending workshops throughout the whole week, we have finally completed our thriller opening.
From Monday we completed the editing which meant with only Thursday's lesson left, we were all committed to attending workshops. At first we split up into pairs with me and Akash doing the opening credits on LiveType and Ana and Laura making the Soundtrack. Luckily they were able to continue on from my 'experimenting' with Sound Track Pro as it actually did work well with our final piece. With the credits, we wanted to keep them quite simple so used a consistent font and effect throughout apart from the 'Cala productions' and the title 'Captive' as these were what we wanted to stand out more. Also with the credits we randomly selected each others names for each category for example although it said Directed by Laura or Edited By Akash and Cristina; we actually all took part in each aspect of the filming, editing, credits, sounds etc. We worked very well as a group and despite being slightly anxious that we were not going to complete it by the deadline, we all put in a great effort and did.

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