Monday 26 January 2009

filming part 1

When we began our filming, we decided to use a local cafe to do the opening first shots.
I, myself use to go there a lot so I thought the people who worked there, would be ok with it and they were. We thought as a group to film outside, since it won’t disturb the people inside. When we started filming, it didn’t go quite smooth. Since it was outside a cafe, some people kept walking by with a grin saying sorry. It did get annoying after a while. Maybe the problem was that we decided to film at peak hour for cafes, but we managed to get the shots we needed done. We also did have some difficulties when acting too, as we are not that professional and laughter is a main theme when a mistake is occurred. As a result we had to do more shots to get it right.

I wanted to do lots of different angled shots when the actors were doing the same thing, to get some good match-cuts when editing so, me and Laura did a couple of them.
The next lesson we didn’t do any filming due to the time we had, but decided to see what we had got and how to improve. Some shots were alright but some had to be done again, because of the framing and mise-on-scene. We found out it is important to keep the costumes the same and not to change anything in the period when filming. We improved our skills on the programme we used to create our opening sequence clip. It was tricky to use, but the main functions had gotten mastered.

On the second part of the filming we got all of the shots that didn’t look right and re-did them. Also i had asked a good friend if we could use his car. This was adding realism and we thought, it would look good if we had a 1 series BMW in our opening sequence. My friend let us use it, but even with that we had limited time so we got a lot of shots done in no time. We got some good shots too, when the camera was looking in the side mirrors as the girl walked passed. It was a P.O.V shot and worked well. Overall, I think that the time with the car was rushed because we spent more time looking for another good location with the car instead of doing actual planned filming. However the shots that we did, worked well.

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