Saturday 3 January 2009

1. Monday 1st December 2008

This was our first lesson back, where we started on a new topic: Thrillers. Part of our coursework is to create an opening of a thriller. We would later be put into group and we would then have to work together to complete our own thriller opening. In this lesson, we had a mini tutorial on editing. We were taught the basics of editing, such as cutting up different shots and placing them in different orders, using the timeline on the screen. The program we to practise editing was ’Final Cut Pro’, which is simple to use once you know the basics. To finish of the editing tutorial we had to do a task, which was to arrange and put different shots together to create a short film, where the scenes linked into each other. This tutorial was very helpful to me as I had never used ’Final Cut Pro’ before and I was able to learn new techniques from it!

After we had finished our task, we were then put into our groups which we would be working with for the rest of the term. I was put into a group with Akash, Cristina and Laura and I was pleased because I know that they are reliable, hard-working and I am able to work with them. Our next task was a preliminary exercise; we had to get together with our group, and create a 'mini thriller', using one important prop: a newspaper. We were then told to take still photographs of different shots, showing our story. This would later be put onto our ‘mini thriller’ storyboard and we would then use it as a guide when it came to filming.

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