Monday 12 January 2009

Thriller Practical ideas to pitch (#8)

In the lesson today we began the first steps towards the planning of our thriller opening. We were told that in Thursday's lesson, we would have to pitch our ideas like a real media/film institution would have to.
The first thing that we did was came up with the sub-genre of our thriller. During the research parts of this unit, we had brainstormed sub-genres for thrillers and found quite a variety that we could use. We decided that we would like to make the opening to a crime thriller. I was happy that we chose this as a lot of the thrillers I have been watching for inspiration falls under this category. Some of the films I have watched include 'Kindergarten Cop (1990),''Passenger 57 (1992),' 'Con Air (1997),' 'Breach (2007),' 'Taken (2008).' All of these thriller films contained a lot of crime and action as well as some featuring elements of comedy. The main storylines featured involved spy, kidnap, security, FBI, government and a lot of fighting.

We decided to go ahead with a kidnapping scene as our opening to a thriller. The reason why we chose this was because it is a simple narrative that can look very effective with the use of great camera work and editing. The storyline is typical of a crime thriller and can also make a very suspenseful opening to a film which is what we are aiming to achieve.
After we created our synopsis, we allocated different parts of what needs to be included in our pitch for Thursday. The area I will focus on is music/sound.

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