Saturday 3 January 2009

2. Thursday 4th December 2008

In the first half of the lesson, we had a tutorial on how to use the video cameras, which we would later be using. We were taught the basics first: how to put and remove the battery, how to turn the camera on and off and how to use the main buttons on the camera. We were then taught some tips on the best way to hold the camera, how to use the camera stand and lastly some Do’s and Don’ts that we should always remember. Some of these included: Before you continue to film, Do always remember to fast forward the camera to the end of your filming, other wise you may record over your filming; and Don’t ever touch the lens of the camera as it will leave a mark! This tutorial was very useful as we learnt the basics on how to use the cameras and we also learnt some good filming techniques and how to film different angled shots.

In the second half of the lesson, we got back into our groups and continued our preliminary exercise. We placed the still shots, which we took the previous lesson, onto our storyboard. We numbered each shot and wrote a brief description under each one. We then began the filming of our preliminary exercise.

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