Thursday 22 January 2009

Day 1 of Filming (#11)

We begun our filming today. We went to a cafe for our opening shot and asked them for permission to use there premises for filming. As we didn't want to be too disturbing we decided to film outside the cafe instead. The filming went well however we had to do quite a few re-takes due to small things such as public getting in the way or just general acting mistakes. We repeated the same shots from different angles so we could do match-cuts when editing.
Me and Ana, were playing the school girl characters so the mise-en-scene was important. We dressed in clothes that looked like school uniforms.
After filming, I went to workshop, we uploaded what we had filmed and started to edit it. Not a lot could be done at this point as we did not have a lot of footage and also we noticed a few things that we wanted to change.

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