Monday 5 January 2009

Match-Cut exercise (#6)

In today's lesson we focused on match-cuts. The first task we were given was to create a shot list on a given synopsis. The synopsis was 'East London. 3pm. A man chain-smokes as he sits at his home PC. He copies confidential computer files and plans to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting them.' From this synopsis, in pairs we had to create 20 shots stating the shot number, interior/exterior shot, shot type, action and shot description. The main idea of this shot-list was to include match-cuts. On completion of this task, we were shown a video that the staff had made as an example and we had to identify any shots we used and the match-cuts.

Following on from this tutorial, we were then given another synopsis, ' Character A opens the door and enters a room and sits in the chair opposite character B. Character A and B exchange a couple of lines of dialogue.' Like the first task, we were then given a shot list consisting of 16 shots. We completed this in our thriller practical groups and then allocated 4 shots to each person to draw up on a storyboard for homework due for the next lesson where we would film our idea.

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