Thursday 8 January 2009

Meant to be posted on Monday 5th January 09

On Mondays lesson, we were shown, a clip as inspiration on how to do out thrillers. This clip simply consisted of a man at a computer East London around 3pm. He seems to be doing something illegal, as the camera pans up to an MI5 website. He then goes to a table to write something on an envelope that he will later post. At this point there is a major match cut and we were told to look out for the match cut. Afer this part of the clip, the man then walks to the post box and here, there is another match cut as, we are in front of him , when hes walking and then we go across the road, however it appears as a continous shot. The point of showing this clip to the class is, the overal scenario of the clip is very simple however, used in a very complex way.

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