Thursday 8 January 2009

Preliminary Filming Task on the usage of Match Cut

In today's lesson my group started to film and edit out Preliminary task on how to use Match Cut. Akash, Ana, Cristina and I used the guidance of our storyboard sheet and a sheet that limited us to a minimum of 16 shots.
We started filming our clip, by adapting as a group we wanted to have various shots, however given the impression that the subject is simply walking. In doing this, we had to make Akash walk numerous times, while Cristina, shot this action in different angles, such as, him walking towards the camera and the camera following behind him. We then had to establish, how Akash would enter the room, when we decided, we came to the conclusion of a continuous shot of Akash walking and then we will cut until he enters the room. From this point, we had to then film within the room, here was the major match cut. Where we had to cut between, Akash walking down the corridor, to him entering the room. After this point, was the dialogue, it was kept to a minimum. Here we filed the whole dialogue from a distance, and then we filmed it again from over the shoulder of both, Akash and Ana. So the duration of the editing process, we can have various cuts during the dialogue.
During the editing process. we found it relatively hard to have fluidity of each shot as we didnt leave 5 seconds at the end, or we left too much at the end.
As a whole, we have learnt as a group, the amount of space taken up on a frame, for example during the dialogue, there was a waste of about 50%, as we did not allow the heads of Akash and Ana to touch the top of the frame. We have also learnt the rule of allowing 5 seconds after each piece of footage, as this is very important during the editing process. What i have learnt from this task compared to the previous task, is the importance of the 5 second rule. I do not think that as a group we have formed a clip, that is similar to a fill, for we were very limited, in the case of lighting, mise-en-scene. However, in fields of narrative it can be very strong no matter if you asre working with a lot of money or hardly any, for narrative can be very simplitic, depending on how you come across.

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