Thursday 15 January 2009

Pitch and Idea development (#9)

Today we done our pitch. Following on from the homework set last lesson, each member of our group put together their notes on the category they were allocated. Akash had to describe key images and icons and the setting and location where we will be filming each part of the thriller. Ana had to describe the type of lighting that will be used and our target audience. Laura had to describe the types of shots and camera work involved and finally, I had to describe the sounds and music we will create.
Once we put our notes together, we spoke about any changes we would like to make and then produced a storyboard which was needed for the pitch.

Our synopsis is:
' Character A and B are two school girls who are having a hot-chocolate at a cafe. Character C is a man whose face remains unidentified throughout the thriller opening. Character A and B leave the cafe together and part to go home seperate ways. Character A walks slowly on her way home unaware of character C who has been waiting for her in his car. He quickly creeps up behind her and fiercefully attacks her and throws her into the boot of his car.'

We was given positive feedback from our teacher for our pitch.

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