Thursday 29 January 2009

Day 2 and 3 of Filming (#13)

On Tuesday, we continued the second part of our filming. We asked a friend to borrow his car for our filming which meant that we all had to arrange an out-of-lesson time that everyone would be able to attend filming. Eventually we argreed on Tuesday afternoon which meant we would only have around 1.30mins to do the filming and a lot of time was then wasted by trying to find the right location. We got various shots that we needed and tryed to cram in a few more at the end however, these might have to be re-taken as we would ideally like to have spent a bit more time on this part.

Today, we done more filming. We completely re-shot all of the footage that we took on day one of filming as we had more time and also had access to the outside of Ana's mum's cafe without feeling that we were being disturbing (which we have no idea why we never thought of that in the first place.) The filming we did on Tuesday was in dry weather unlike last Thursday's filiming which was raining and today the weather was also dry meaning that the continuity would also be better. After uploading the footage from today, we feel that slightly more filming on the 'kidnapping action' should be done before we start editing, other then that, the shots were successful.

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