Sunday 4 January 2009

what i'v done in the past lessons

In the past few lesson we have been doing a lot of analysis on thriller in general and other aspects got to do with it.

In one of the lessons we watched a movie called ‘the Bourne Identity’. this film was a action, spy, thriller which was about a man called Jason Bourne. who does remember who he is of were he came from after a tragic accident which the director does not show. Overall, it is about the main character looking for his identity. I learnt a lot from watching this film. It helped me get a idea of how I want my own thriller to be. I learnt some tips on how to create suspense and other thriller elements.

And I think the week after that lesson we started to do a practice run. We made out own 5 minute clip thriller. All we got told was the scene has to be about reading the newspaper and the jist of it was to add suspense to it, to see our camera work and editing skills. Our clip that we created, which took 2 whole lessons was alright but we learnt as a group, how music and positioning of cuts are vital to create suspense.

The disappointing thing I found was that, we had to make our own soundtrack for the ’real’ thriller. Even though the teacher said it will be simple to use and you will learn more. At first my ideal plan was to take a soundtrack from a song, as in getting the instrumental. But I guess making our own sound will make it more original.

Overall, in these lessons, I learnt how to use a camera which was extremely helpful, what type of shots are more effective than others and why and I have gathers information on films, clips and other sound material to get a idea on what I want to do for the thriller, so I can contribute my ideas to my group when the time comes.

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